How can I refer a friend?

The FlipSeats referral program makes it easy to refer a friend! If you know someone who could use FlipSeats, we'd appreciate you telling them about it. In return, you may receive a referral incentive.*

Navigate to your Profile or Settings and click on the tab to "Refer a Friend." Here, you can access your custom QR code and URL. Upon sharing the code/link, the recipient will be directed to the FlipSeats account creation page. You may also email this directly from FlipSeats.

Note that this QR code/link is specific to you and is how we track you as the referrer. Please be sure that the person you are sending it to registers for an account using that link.

*You are eligible to receive one incentive per referral, up to 10 per calendar year. FlipSeats will send you a  $50 Amazon Gift Card, to be paid only after the referred user has made their first sale through FlipSeats. You will receive an email informing you when this has occurred and when you can expect payment.

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