How do I prime my account?

If your tickets are eligible for resale, but other troubleshooting has not resulted in being able to view/list your tickets in FlipSeats, you may need to “prime” your account. This is often a result of our Ticketmaster integration not recognizing your account as having previously sold tickets. Thankfully, priming your account is quick and simple when following these steps:

  1. Log into your Ticketmaster season ticket holder account.
  2. Choose any game/tickets available in your account to transfer (note, if you can’t transfer them in Ticketmaster, you will not be able to sell them through FlipSeats)
  3. When prompted for an email to transfer your tickets to, enter an alternate email address for yourself or a trusted friend.
  4. You can then immediately cancel the transfer directly in Ticketmaster - DO NOT accept them using the alternate email. Simply initiating this transfer action should accomplish the “priming.”
  5. Log back into FlipSeats and re-sync your account using the “Sync Accounts” button.

Note: This process does not need to be repeated for every ticket you wish to sell. Doing this process just once for any ticket should unlock the ability to sell/transfer all your eligible tickets through FlipSeats.

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