What are the different split types when listing tickets?

The split type determines the number of tickets that buyers can purchase from listings of more than one ticket. The following split types are available in FlipSeats:

  • Any - A buyer can purchase any quantity of tickets. While “Any” provides the greatest flexibility for the buyer, it may leave you with just one ticket left which could be harder to sell. 
  • Never Leave One - A buyer can purchase any quantity of tickets from your listing, as long as it doesn’t leave just one ticket left for sale. For example, if you had 4 tickets, a buyer could purchase 1 or 2 tickets, but not 3 because that would leave you with one ticket left.
  • Never - A buyer can only purchase the entire ticket grouping that you have listed. For example, if you have 4 tickets listed, a buyer must purchase all 4 tickets together. While it may not be as convenient for the buyer and there may be fewer buyers, if they sell, it ensures you don’t get left with a partial sale.
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